Trigger warning. In this video, we talk about emotional self-harm… Something I find a lot of people are doing without even realizing. We talk ourselves down because other people have been doing it. Pretty soon we forgot that we were doing it. So, when you’re ready, watch the video below as we confront how we teat ourselves…
Emotional self-harm is often a result of how we treat ourselves mentally and emotionally. Do you look at yourself in the mirror and like that person? Do you talk negatively about yourself? Do you feel good in some situations but feel bad in others? Often what is resulting in a huge amount of negative self-talk where we put ourselves down. Eventually, we start to forget that this is the case and continue to hurt ourselves for years to come without even realizing it. Limiting who we are and how we go through the world.
So watch the video below, make sure to realize that you are powerful and beautiful as you are right now!