Is your partner afraid to commit to you? Do you think he’s holding onto fears of his past? Is his fears to commit to you tied up in how he feels about his past relationships? If he is afraid to commit, then this is the video for you! I have done several on commitment issues, but this specific commitment issue video is about if he is afraid to commit because he is afraid of the past! Time to get stuck in!
Before we watch the video!
Before you watch the video, it is worth recognizing that sometimes people are afraid to commit because they aren’t sure if they want to be with you or not. It is this uncertainty that they are afraid of diving deep into that makes them say it is their past relationships that causes them the fear. Somebody saying that they are afraid to commit to you is easy to accept, so often it is the lesser of all evils! Sometimes it is the fear of themselves, that they themselves are unsure of what they actually want!
If it is a fear of past relationships, one thing you’re going to have to do is distinguish yourself FROM the previous relationships. We can call this “the talk” but also, realizing that you are already different in your mind is enough because eventually, you’ll teach him that you’re different!
No more delay, watch the video today!