How to be More Mysterious and Exciting on Dates (3 Ways) – Ask Harvey #27


There is no summary written for this, you'll just have to read it and find out :)


First up, I have to say, you have to be authentic and genuine. You cannot, and should not, get used to playing bullshit games with people because, guess what, it’s exhausting.

It is exhausting to pretend to be anything else that you are, and it is exhausting to try to be anything less than you are.

On the other hand, then when we be authentic and genuine, we might end up scaring him away?

So some people try to solve this by being more mysterious on dates, to help the guy chase you a bit more. Unfortunately, this to might also be another bullshit game if it doesn’t come from the right place!

So, after taking a week off, I have for you the latest Ask Harvey! Where I give you three ways to be more mysterious on dates, but, it should ONLY EVER BE DONE IF IT COMES FROM A GOOD PLACE.

WATCHING THIS VIDEO is good, but only ever do the things I say if it agrees with you at a body level.

If you do them out of pain or out of anxiety, it will cause more pain and anxiety. If it comes from a place of confidence and compassion, you’ll get crazy intense results!




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