Time for explosive inner love coming out and showering it on all those around you. If you want to learn how to talk to anybody, you first have to let go of what that looks like. Too often are the people who are stifled over thinking what comes next. There is a clutch, a hold on the outcome that ultimately stops us from taking that first step forward. Why? Because it is easier to stay safe. It is easy to say nothing sometimes than it is to say something.
Now, you’re here. Reading this description, about to watch this video, and you think to yourself, “Why watch this?” well, as you have clicked on a video on how to talk to anybody, so you will also learn how to talk to anybody! The key, however, does not lie in learning lines. Fear forces people to hold onto things like that. While they may work, they will always be a stop gap. A temporary fix to something that should be happening automatically.
You see, dear reader, if you want to learn how to talk to anybody, the secret is within the learning to let go. Let go of our outcome, let go of how we feel it should go and let go of all the fears that keep us stationary.
This video talks deeply about being vs doing, and it’s the primary goal.