It happens.
When you are in a relationship, then suddenly it starts to fade.
It starts to hurt and it starts to fall apart.
Well, I can give you my biggest piece of advice that is the reason why.
I call it the DOUBLE Ds of DESTRUCTION and DECAY!
It’s these twin forces that start to happen that ultimately start to decay our relationships and if you’re not careful, they can also decay other parts of your life.
Isn’t that so frustrating, when you keep trying and trying and trying and nothing seems to work?
Honestly, the same thing can be said to your career, or your body or even your health. These twin forces decay and destroy ALL parts of your life!
I like to start from our relationships though because when you start from there, you can easily see the effects roll through all other parts of your relationship.
Well, you’re going to have to watch the latest youtube video to find out!