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Audio Player2.5 Hours introducing you into the basics of Surrender and Emotional Healing
Get Access Now For $50
To bring you up to speed on what exactly emotional surrender and emotional healing is and how to start applying it NOW!

Learn how to heal yourself and how the process of emotional surrender works
What exactly is Surrender?
Surrender is a powerful and the core of any level of emotional healing. It is the topic of the program but also the very passion of Sharam Namdarian himself. Through emotional surrender a person radically transform and heal their life. It is what happens when anybody heals their life or has a shifting experience. Once an emotion is felt (and, in this case, surrendered to) a person has the space to move on to the next phase of their exsitence.
2.5 Hours Broken Down into...
What is Surrender (30 mins)
Examples of Healing and Results (30 mins)
What to Expect in Your Journey (30 mins)
Sharam’s Own Journey with Healing (30 mins)
Steps How to Use It (30 mins)
Take this Course if...
You want to learn how to heal yourself.
You’re looking to understand the process of healing in great detail.
You want your life to be easier and easier.
You want to come out of intense emotional pain.
You want to start healing NOW!

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Take control of your life through the power of emotional healing and surrender.
Things people say about working with Sharam